Monday, 28 May 2012

Tanning and TTC

The weather here has been nice enough for shorts the last few weeks which means people see my white legs.  At the start of every summer I like to go for a few tans (tanning bed) to get some colour.  I went once last week then DH and I went on Saturday for another tan.  I only tan maybe once or twice a week for about a month.  Now I am wondering does tanning in a tanning bed effect TTC at all?  I am curious if it is bad for males because I read that heat is not good for the sperm, should I ask DH to stop tanning?  I googled it but mixed reviews.  It can lower sperm count according to some people.  Anyone else tan while TTC?


  1. Nope... not here. I think I'd be wary of any situation where he's exposed to a high temp and can't thermoregulate...especially seeing it takes three months for a new batch of sperm to get made and the count to be restored. Even a fever is enough to impair things. -shrugs- But I haven't done the tanning thing so don't really know hot that all gets. :-o

  2. I haven't been tanning since high school either... I'm pretty sure it won't be helping your chance so may make sense to just put that on hold for a while.

  3. I went tanning in March (so did Hubby) for our vacation but I haven't heard anything about it. I know it is harmful once you do get pregnant. I would play it safe & just spray tan while TTC. Tell hubby the same...I am still trying to convience my hubby that having his laptop on his lap & playing games is bad for his sperm count...yet he still does it. *eye roll* - Men! Haha the new blog look!!!

    1. I agree with the laptop thing, lol. I mentioned it to my husband a few months ago so I am happy you mentioned it now. I happy I am not the only one that thinks that. lol. Your new blog inspired me to update mine. I am done school for the summer now so I have lots of time to try different templates.
