Friday, 4 May 2012

CD20 - Cervical position

Today is CD 20 and this morning my temp did rise to 97.3 ( up from 96.6 yesterday).  My cervix seems to be very high, very soft and open.  I am not sure what the different CP mean, I find it all confusing.  DH was supposed to be here at 8pm tonight, but his flight was delayed until midnight now.  I am getting excited to see him, aslo feeling like its too late (to conceive this cycle).  DH has ben traveling for 2 days to get home, 4 flights and not much sleep.  I hope he has enough energy when he gets home tonight, LOL.  If we are going to catch the egg this cycle there is not time to wait. lol.


  1. Your cervix says you are still ripe. :-) When you are fertile it will sit up high, be very soft and open. When your fertile period passes it will return to being low, firm and closed.

  2. How long after the fertile period does the cervix move lower?

  3. Depends on the person but usually if you ovulate one day the the next the body will have started to shut up shop.
