Sunday 28 October 2012

Happy Halloween! 23 weeks

Here is my 23 week belly shot and Halloween costume as well.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Uppababy Vista Stroller

We have finally decided on the stroller that we are going to buy.  The name is Uppababy Vista.  Here is a picture:

The stroller comes with the basinet as well and can be switched easily with the seat.  The only thing is that the stroller does not come with a car seat but the stroller does have an adapter to attached a Peg Perego seat that we have decided on as well.  The stroller can be switched into so many positions and can be converted into a double when we have our next little one.

We are planning on getting this stroller in November when we are in Toronto for the baby show.  Has anyone heard anything (bad or good) about this stroller?  My husband and I are both quite tall and this stroller is suppose to have tall handles which is perfect for us.  We also live in a town where it snows (lots) half the year and we require a good solid, good wheeled stroller.  Again, I am a first time mom and have no experience with what to look for.  Any feedback is welcomed.

Saturday 6 October 2012

20 week belly :)

Holy crap it's been 20 weeks already! Only 20 more to go. Just a quick post to add a picture of my lovely 20 week bump.

Thursday 4 October 2012

I love food again!!!

Bring on the food!  I finally have an all the time appetite.  The last few days I have increased my meals, and I am feeling better and now want more food.  As far as I can remember I do not like beets.  At holiday meals my family would always have beets with their meals and I always said no.  The look and texture kind of turns me off and looks gross.  Today we had an office Thanksgiving lunch and everyone brought something in.  This morning as soon as I walked into the office I could smell something so yummy!!  What was it? Beets!  Someone had a slow cooker hooked up and I thought it was some sort of dessert cooking and when I asked what it was I was so surprised when she said beets.  

I had to wait 3 hours (a long time!) until our lunch and everything looked so yummy!  When the time came, I tried the beets and HOLY CRAP were they ever good!  I don't know if that is the pregnancy or not, but the erge to want to eat the beets was insane! I ate quite a few.  

After eating the beets, my co workers (who all know I am pregnant) tell me that I should not be worried if I start to pee red/pink.  What the heck! I have not had any spotting at all this pregnancy so I am happy they warned me.  If I started to pee red the next few days I would think that something was wrong and go to the hospital or something and look like a complete idiot once they realized that I am peeing red because of eating beets and not actually bleeding! lol.

Another meal that I am loving is chili!  I made a batch last night and had some before bed.  I woke up hungry at around 5am and went to the fridge to grab some juice and I saw the chili in the container.  Yup I had chili at 5am in bed! LOL!

If I keep eating like this, I am going to gain so much weight.  It is not fair that food tastes so good right now.

Monday 1 October 2012

19 week Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound today, around 19 weeks, and it was so excited!! I absolutely loved watching my little one move around.   She was able to tell me what the sex was, and it was VERY clear to me once I saw the bottom area.  Yes, I am having a very active baby BOY!  If you couldn't tell by the wallpaper change lol.  I saw his little heart flicker at a rate of 151 bpm.  The tech started out by taking about 30 minutes of pictures and measurements, all on a full bladder or water.  She had a hard time taking pics and measurements of his head because he kept putting his hands over his head. It was cute.

Then I was able to pee "a little but to leave some in"... ya, how the heck is that possible?? Then she did another ultrasound so that I could see everything moving and she showed the the by parts.  He was moving so much.  Partly my fault, because I know that he moves a lot when I eat chocolate or sweets so before my appointment I had a few Oreo cookies lol.  At one point his head was looking down and we were looking at the top of his head, and he moved his head up and looked straight at us, you could clear as day see his eyes (the outline anyways).  It was so neat to see.  I can't wait until the next time I see him move around.

Movement Update!!
This weekend I started to feel the baby move from the outside, once I felt it the first time I couldn't stop feeling my tummy all weekend to feel a kick again.  I felt it quite a few times, it was amazing!

Here is a picture of my baby boy!

Is it just me or his he squished in there?  I also have a picture of his foot, it is pretty clear.  So after work i stopped by at Zellers and got a few boy clothes and a blue picture frame for my ultrasound pictures.  After seeing him move around on the screen, it all feels so real now and I can not wait to meet my little boy in person! I love him already! Ah stupid hormones... now I have tears :) lol.