Sunday, 6 May 2012

FF confirmed Ovulation

Today is CD 22, after I added my temp, FF gave me an ovulation day of Thursday (CD 19).  How reliable is FF?  If I ovulated on Thursday, but still had a high, soft open cervix on friday night, is it possible that I ovulated on Friday but my temp started to increase?  I am now 3 DPO so I guess I will find out in 10 days.  This wait is killing me, lol. When are they going to create a HPT that we can use right away? lol


  1. I have only used FF this month so I don't have enough data to be able to see if she is accurate or not. I have heard though that she can be off a few days - Did hubby get home in enough time to BD during Ovulation? Really hoping for that BFP!!! I think you can test as early as 9-10 DPO, but its best to wait 14 days due to different impantation times. GOOD LUCK!!! This could be IT!

  2. The more information that you provide FF the more accurate it will be with analysis. On CD19 you've recorded that you had EWCM but nothing about your cervix. Then on CD20 you've said your cervix is in the fertile positon but not noted any CM so FF basically believes that you had ZERO CM and hence, are less fertile than you were the previous day at CD19. FF normally will shoot for the temp which is the last one in range of your pre-o temps (which would be CD20) however, because you've said you were less fertile that day and because you had a significant increase in temp it will have decided for the time being that CD19 is most appropriate. It may however, re-evaluate that again in a few days dependning on where your temps place. Anyway, point of all that is that you are best putting in as much detail as possible.

    Regardless of what FF says at the moment, you were fertile when you DTD so you are in with a shot and I dare say if you were having ovulation pain at the time you are more likely to have ovulated CD20 and timed it perfectly!

    Good luck!
