Thursday 24 January 2013

35 Week Ultrasound

35 weeks YAY!!  Had my midwife appointment on tuesday this week and she wasn't sure if he was still breech or not so she sent me for an ultrasound to confirm baby's position.  If he is breech she would need to schedule a c-section.  At my midwife appointments I pee on a stick everytime to test for a bunch of stuff, usually the lins turn pink/light red, well this time it was bright purple.  I knew something was up right away.  So of course I was freaking out as I had to stare at this stick for 15 minutes until she was ready for my appointment.

So when she was ready for me, I asked right away about the colour of the stick.  Yup something in my urine.  The tests are used to tell if there is "something" in the urine that should not be there.  So I had to go to the hospital for one of their urine tests as they are more accurate and can tell exactly what it is.  Should know more next week.

Then, I had my ultrasound tonight.  Baby Mason is for sure breech.  Moving alot just not into the right position.  The ultrasound tech said I was measuring 35 weeks 5 days, so a week ahead and the baby is around 5 pounds 15 ounches.  He is going to be huge!

So about C-sections, I have read that they are scheduled to be before your due date, which means Mason could be here in like 3 weeks! Crazy!  I am nervous about the surgery part.  Although I am aware that he can turn, I am trying to prepare myself for the fear of the c-section.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Baby Purchases

I thought I would make a list of what we have so far for Mason.  I am pretty sure we have everything we need but this is our first baby so I could have no clue and be missing a lot of stuff.

car seat, car seat cover and a fitted think blanket (it will be quite cold here in February/March around -15 C)
mirror for car seat to be attached on the seat so we can see Mason from the front seats
crib, dresser, lamp
change table
baby monitor (the ibaby monitor which is pretty neat if anyone is an iphone user)
diapers (newborns and size 1)
baby bag (travel size wipes, baby powder, change pad to go)
baby medical kit (clippers, etc)
little tub for baths with a sling to go in the tub
baby oil, shampoo
receiving blankets (15ish)
lots of clothes (newborns, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9)

Am I missing anything?

Monday 7 January 2013

32 Weeks

We finally made it to 32 weeks.  Felt like a year since our BFP. We only have 8 more weeks until due date.  This past week I have been so tired all day long.  Sleeping at night is now a challenge.  I can not seem to get confortable at all.  I stopped taking my diclectin (morning sickness helper pills) for about a week now and have been getting sick at night the past few nights.  I hate getting sick, but I also don't want to be taking 3-5 pills a day anymore.

Today I had a midwife appointment and learned alot and feel a little less stressed out.  Midwife was a little concerned about the amount of weight I gained since my last appointment, which was about 3 pounds a week.  She said that the overall total of 50 pounds is still okay since I am so tall.  Also my feet and ankles are very swollen so she wants me to put my feet up whenever possible and don't sit at my desk (at work) for too long without a break.  Blood pressure was a little high 130/80.

We talked about sleeping on my back, and I mentioned that I have a hard time sleeping on my left, like we are supposed to.  I am more comfortable sleeping on my right side.  She said that my body will tell me if and when I am doing something that is wrong for the baby so I am good to sleep on my right side.

Also chatted a bit about natural labour of a 10 pound baby, which has me very concerned.  Again, because of my height I should be fine.  I have to stop watching youtube videos of labour, it is starting to freak me right out!! Baby Mason has changed spots and is now head down :)

Weight Gain:  Well, I have now gained a total of 50 pounds! :(

Wedding Rings:  Off :(

Movements: All the time and I love it!

Sleep:  Some nights are okay, but most nights I toss and turn all night.  I feel most nauseous at night which makes sleeping uncomfortable.

 Countdown:  One more month until my husband is back in Canada, and 7 weeks and 3 days until due date!! :)

Well we are prepared and ready for baby to arrive, I keep going into his room and checking over everything and picturing him in his crib and his car seat.  Here is a picture of his car seat all ready to go for him:

That's it for the 32 week update.  I am hoping that the next 5 weeks go by really fast.