Tuesday, 1 May 2012

CD 17 (usual ovulation day for me)

Temp went up .3 today to 97.4 which is still a lot lower than my normal after ovulation temps.  On another note, DH's first flight was delayed 24 hours, so he has to change his other 3 flights because of that so I am not sure when he will be home now maybe Friday or Saturday.  I thought that Thursday was pushing my luck for this cycle, so Friday or Saturday is way too late.  Which is fine, because how my cycles work, hopefully we can have 1 actual cycle of TTC, then test 10 days after ovulation which would be my 25th birthday!  Still not giving up this month though.


  1. Have you got a link to your chart? I sooo don't work well with farenheight. lol

  2. Heres my chart http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php?redirect=/ttc/index.php& i hope it works.

  3. Your chart came up as mine, you can save the image of your chart - that's what I have to do for my blog. Things happen for a reason & you never know ;-) Maybe your body is waiting for hubby to get home? Wouldn't that be nice! Haha
