Tuesday, 24 April 2012

CD 10

Today is CD 10, and still no EWCM :) I am not using any OPK's this month, since it would kind of be a waste.  I am taking my temp every other day this cycle, but starting around CD 13 I will take my temp everyday.  Temping has been helpful the last 2 cycles so I will just use that to confirm ovulation and see how it goes.  Even if I ovulate on CD 18, and DH is only back on CD 19, is it even possible to get pregnant after the temp dip?  I also did not order any more IC pregnancy tests, so I wont be testing until at least 12 DPO as I will have to use FRER.  In February, I ordered 10 or 15 IC HPT, and used them all the first cycle! lol Won't do that again.  Finding IC online that will ship to Canada is not easy.  If anyone finds a good site, please let me know.  Well, time to get back to eating my bowl of ice cream lol.  I can't wait to be pregnant so that I can eat ice cream whenever I want and not feel guilty haha :)


  1. Temp dip?? When you ovulate your temp should spike. There should be a clear difference between your temps pre-ovulation and your temps post ovulation. When you ovulate your body releases progesterone which warms you up. That should last 10-14 days before crashing back down. That is when AF arrives. Anyway, point being is that until your temp spikes you have every chance of falling pregnant. After that spike it is less likely. Different sources say different things but most say the egg only lives 12-24 hours at max. Have you used something like Fertility Friend to help with charting your cycles?

  2. I do use fertility friend to track my temp. FF always makes my O day when I have a big temp dip before the spike.

  3. FF confuses me - haha. I also chart my temps and I am on CD12 with no ovulation yet - I monitor my CM as well and still nothing - so I completely feel ya there! Let's hope you Ovulate when hubby is home!!! BABY DUST!
