Friday, 15 June 2012

Pregnancy Test

I just woke up, and took a clear blue digital, and ...

I was too excited to write a long blog and leave the pic for the end.

Here is how my week went.  The being sick part led to me not eating for 4 days.  Then i was sent to the hospital and was hooked up to some IV's, migraine pain killer, nausea helper, and the big bag of liquid (I think it is water/salt to get food in my stomach).  That took a few hours.  We mentioned that we were TTC and that I could be pregnant (would have been 8DPO) so they took a pregnancy test and I didn't see the girl again.  I assumed it was negative since they didn't tell us anything.  Oh I forgot I took a HPT at home the same day as the hospital in the AM and I didn't see a line.  But I had a feeling I was pregnant.

This morning, first time in a week I didn't get sick right away.  So I quietly went to the bathroom and used the digi test.  It appeared within a minute.  So much for waiting until Father's Day and surprising my husband, lol.  As soon as Pregnant came up, I ran into the bedroom and woke him up.  Now I have the sudden urge to eat and get healthy for the baby.  AHHH!! I am soooo excited!


  1. Yay!! That's fantastic!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited :)

    Glad to hear you are feeling better too! I was starting to wonder if you were okay because you hadn't posted in a while!

    We're all going to have February babies!! So bizarre!!


    I'm also happy to hear you're feeling better!

  3. YAY!!!! I am soooo happy for you :) I am also excited for this to turn into a pregnancy blog!!! Yipeeeeee!!!

  4. Super big congratulations cycle buddy, I'm so happy for you. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy, I have to find a new cycle buddy now, lol

  5. Congrats on the BFP! I'm glad that feeling all down in the dumps turned out to be worth it. Congratulations.

  6. Holy smokes!!! CONGRATS!!!!! We get to be bump buddies!!! When are u do?

    1. That's awesome girl! I'm due Feb 14th at the Moment, but could change, my Drs appt is in 13 days! I am just thrilled for you! February babies rock!! :)

  7. Oooooh congratulations chickie! I'm so happy for you! :-DDDD xxx
