Thursday, 5 July 2012

6 Weeks 2 Days Update

Today is 6 weeks 2 days based on ovulation date.  This week so far has been... alright.  Have not got sick yet this week (YAY!).  I have been very tired, but have been having a hard time sleeping at night.  That makes for a long day at work on a few hours of sleep.  So far the biggest struggle I am having is drinking enough water in the day.  I know that I need to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day to stay hydrated but it is difficult.  During the day at work I can drink 2 full bottes of water (500 mL each).  Drinking that much has me going to the washroom every 30 mins, and it is getting annoying!  I drink another 2 big glasses at home after work and that is all I can do.  Hiccups is another thing I have most of the day, and sometimes it leads me to almost puking, but I can stop it.

That is all I can remember, my brain is only half there lately.  I am off to bed now.  Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, it will be end of July :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you have officially started getting "Baby Brain" haha :) Be prepared to forget everything for the next 33 weeks! I remember with my son I put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cabinet one time - I put on 2 different shoes and didn't even realize it until someone pointed it out to me - Oh...memories!! :) Keep drinking water even if you have to use the restroom 2x per hour - your body & that sweet little bean need the hydration! :)
