Monday 1 October 2012

19 week Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound today, around 19 weeks, and it was so excited!! I absolutely loved watching my little one move around.   She was able to tell me what the sex was, and it was VERY clear to me once I saw the bottom area.  Yes, I am having a very active baby BOY!  If you couldn't tell by the wallpaper change lol.  I saw his little heart flicker at a rate of 151 bpm.  The tech started out by taking about 30 minutes of pictures and measurements, all on a full bladder or water.  She had a hard time taking pics and measurements of his head because he kept putting his hands over his head. It was cute.

Then I was able to pee "a little but to leave some in"... ya, how the heck is that possible?? Then she did another ultrasound so that I could see everything moving and she showed the the by parts.  He was moving so much.  Partly my fault, because I know that he moves a lot when I eat chocolate or sweets so before my appointment I had a few Oreo cookies lol.  At one point his head was looking down and we were looking at the top of his head, and he moved his head up and looked straight at us, you could clear as day see his eyes (the outline anyways).  It was so neat to see.  I can't wait until the next time I see him move around.

Movement Update!!
This weekend I started to feel the baby move from the outside, once I felt it the first time I couldn't stop feeling my tummy all weekend to feel a kick again.  I felt it quite a few times, it was amazing!

Here is a picture of my baby boy!

Is it just me or his he squished in there?  I also have a picture of his foot, it is pretty clear.  So after work i stopped by at Zellers and got a few boy clothes and a blue picture frame for my ultrasound pictures.  After seeing him move around on the screen, it all feels so real now and I can not wait to meet my little boy in person! I love him already! Ah stupid hormones... now I have tears :) lol.


  1. Awwww, so cute. You're even making me teary

  2. Congratulations! A little boy :) This has been a big week for you - movement and seeing your little guy for the first time! You must be falling in love, hard and fast! Such an amazing time.
